In an early morning assault on Wednesday, terrorists targeted a Punjab-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa inter-provincial border checkpost in Wahova area of DG Khan, injuring seven Punjab Police officials. This marked the second attack on the Jhangi Police Checkpost in two months. The terrorists, affiliated with a banned outfit, aimed to capture the personnel stationed at the checkpoint.
Upon receiving news of the attack, the DG Khan regional police officer (RPO) and district police officer (DPO) rushed to the scene with a sizable police contingent. Approximately 15 to 20 militants launched a fierce assault, utilizing rocket launchers, grenades, and firearms from multiple directions.
Despite facing stiff resistance from the police, the terrorists retreated after a three-hour confrontation. Inspector General (IG) Punjab Dr. Osman Anwar reaffirmed the Punjab Police’s commitment to thwarting terrorist activities.
Among the injured were Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) Imran, Constables Mohammad Aamir, Aashiq Zain, Rahmatullah, Sanaullah, Elite Force Constable Tariq, and others. Prior to the attack, the RPO and DPO had briefed the personnel on potential threats and rehearsed defensive strategies.
Supplementary personnel, equipment, and weapons had been provided to fortify the Jhangi checkpost, with instructions for vigilance, mock exercises, and the use of protective gear. An alert had been issued on Monday following intelligence reports of impending terrorist attacks targeting the inter-provincial checkpost.
The incident underscores the ongoing security challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in the region and the need for continued vigilance and preparedness against terrorist threats.